Start using Cyber to power your prospecting.

So you can sell without feeling salesy 🤮
The Cyber Score 💯 lead magnet gets prospects talking. No boring forms or questionnaires.
Custom branded for your MSP. Send it to prospects in an email. Use it on your cold calls. Or embed it right onto your site.
Check out the live demo for Top Notch Managed IT Services
Instantly get Cyber Score data for every contact in your CRM. Show them how many Dark Web breaches they have right in the cold email.
All their corporate passwords were leaked in that data breach last week? Be the 1st MSP that tells them the risks.
Knowing is half the battle. Make sure they need what you are offering before you invest your time into the pitch.
They don't need a slick sales pitch. They need a trusted advisor. We do the recon you reap the rewards.
Your competitors are charging prospects for risk assessments. Talk about a barrier to entry. No wonder they are scared off.
Stop wasting time & money getting techs involved with sales. Assessments so easy your sales team can do them.
Plug in an Iceberg Sensor and walk away. This is your secret weapon to discover their pains and close the deal.
Stop charging for telling prospects what's wrong and start earning for making it right. Can your competition keep up?
Use cybersecurity as your difference maker. Attract the attention of new clients. Show them why you can protect them. Keep them happy with Cyber Reports that empower instead of bore.
Any MSP can cold call. Differentiate yourself with the prospect's personalized cyber details. Enter their website URL and in 30s you'll see their Dark Web Report and Website security risks. Now your cold calls will pinpoint their pains so clearly they'll be begging you to fix them.
Give first then ask. Stop charging prospects $500 for an assessment that scares them. Provide value, show off your expertise, and empower your Sales Team to close deals painlessly.
No one wants to hear a slick sales pitch. They want a trusted advisor. Turn Cyber Reports into personalized scripts so good your sales team will feel like the cross between Mr. Robot & the Wolf of Wall Street.
Start showing your prospects something they actually care about. Leave the postcards in the past and grab their attention with Cyber Scores 💯
We don't hide our pricing to squeeze you into high priced contracts. You can start prospecting with Cyber Scores today. For free!
This is the easy part. Multi-tenant with Multi-Factor Authentication built for MSPs.
Our entire Prospecting database is free for you to use. Dark Web reports in an instant.
We want you to make money before we do. Land your first client even before you pay.